Photography in Austin, Texas

February 26, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Austin Texas is one of the fastest growing cities in the country, with over a hundred people a day moving to the city.  All it takes to confirm the massive growth is one glance at the downtown skyline.  It is virtually impossible to find an angle of downtown that doesn’t include a giant crane working on another high rise.  Given the rapidly changing landscape, it’s important as a photographer to capture the skyline regularly.


We began taking Austin Texas skylines in September of 2014, and have continued to shoot them on a monthly basis from a variety of locations.  From the East side to the West, the waterfront on Auditorium Shores to the Convention Center parking deck, and even from the top of Mount Bonnell, we go everywhere.  Taking these photos really gave me a chance to explore the city and find some of the most amazing vantage points.  My two personal favorites are Auditorium Shores and the West Side, mainly because they are unique.


On the shores of Lake Austin there is a statue of one of the most famous Texas musicians, Stevie Ray Vaughan.  From this vantage point it is possible to have the weathered bronze statue towering over the city just like he did during his playing days.  Given the popularity of live music in Austin (home to numerous festivals such as South by Southwest and Austin City Limits, among others) it’s wonderful to be able to have a local musical legend standing as tall as the skyscrapers.


In addition to being known for its music, Austin is also known for its weirdness.  The skyline view from the West Side bike path is a perfect illustration of this.  Painted on the side of the railroad bridge is “I’ve got Ninja Style Kung Fu Grip”, which the artist undoubtedly had given the position of the artwork.  When combined with the six cranes building new developments it’s a nice image of both the progress and artistic spirit of the city.

As the city continues to grow, Clear Sky Images will be there to grow with it.  Check back regularly for new Austin Texas Skylines.


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