Clear Sky Images: Blog en-us (C) Clear Sky Images [email protected] (Clear Sky Images) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:43:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:43:00 GMT Clear Sky Images: Blog 120 75 University of Texas Tower Completed in 1937, this thirty story tower is one of the most recognizable features of Austin.  Located in the heart of the University of Texas campus, the University of Texas Tower can be seen from miles around.


When it originally opened in 1937, the plan was to use the Tower as a library with a series of dumbwaiters moving the books between floors.  This was short-lived as people figured out having to move books up and down nearly twenty stories wasn’t the most logical thing.  During World War II the tower had an air raid siren installed at the top, however it was never used outside of testing.  Now the Tower is home to administrative offices, as well as an observation deck where tours are routinely given in the Spring and Fall.  During special events, such as the University of Texas Longhorn football victories, the tower is illuminated with bright orange lights.  The Tower is also used to honor graduates with their graduation year spelled out in giant lights.


There are many great places to appreciate this seventy-eight year old architectural beauty.  The East side of campus has a great view with it’s giant stone staircases in the foreground.  To fully appreciate it however you should stand due south and take in the lush greenscape hillside as it leads up to the tower.  Once at the top of that hill there is a large bronze statue of George Washington to take in as well.


We have many different views of the UT Tower, both from closeup and with the entire campus skyline.  Check out our full University of Texas Gallery Here, and be sure to check back often as we add more shots of this iconic landmark.

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) austin commercial photography tx Fri, 06 Mar 2015 15:15:00 GMT
How to Hire Us Ready to hire us to photograph your property?  Setting up a shoot with Clear Sky Images couldn’t be easier.


  1.  Visit


  1.  On the left sidebar click on “Quote


  1.  When you reach the satellite view, simply type in the address of your site to be taken to it.  Once there, use the cursor to draw an outline around your site.  This will not only make it easy for us to schedule your shoot, but also ensure that we capture everything on your site.


  1.  After your site has been outlined, hit the Submit button at the top.  You will then be prompted to fill in some basic information such as Company Name, Phone Number, etc.


  1.  Once submitted we ask that you give us a call at (704)-421-1239 to confirm that your request came through.


  1.  From there we will work with you one on one to get you matched up with the ideal photo package, and discuss specific details of the shoot.

We look forward to working with you!

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) architectural photographer Wed, 04 Mar 2015 18:00:00 GMT
Commercial Photography: Times Square Dallas, TX Located in the heart of McKinney, TX, the Times Square at Craig Ranch complex stands apart from the competition.  This four story luxury apartment building is within walking distance of the TPC Craig Ranch Golf Course (rated as one of the top ten golf courses in Texas from Golf Digest), and is just a short drive to North Dallas.  There is also an ample amount of shopping nearby as well as on the first floor of the complex.


The amenities are so plentiful that there is plenty to occupy your time.  There are the old standbys like the massive pool and fitness center, but that is just the tip of the iceberg.  There is a massive game room with pool tables and a full kitchen, as well as  a mini movie theater, an outdoor fireplace, and even a meeting board room for when it’s time to get down to business.  For those wanting some fresh air, the tree lined path around the building is a beautiful way to spend your walk.


The highlight of the property is without a doubt the penthouse suite.  As you can see from our photos, the main living space is simply breathtaking, with the hardwood floors, high ceilings, and the amazing panoramic view of the neighboring golf course and countryside.  We photograph a lot of spaces, but this was easily one of the most dramatic.


If you are in the market for some great architectural photography in Dallas, TX or any other part of Texas, Clear Sky Images is here for your needs.  Contact us here to get a quote and to get the process going!

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) commercial dallas photography tx Tue, 03 Mar 2015 17:00:00 GMT
Photography in Austin, Texas Austin Texas is one of the fastest growing cities in the country, with over a hundred people a day moving to the city.  All it takes to confirm the massive growth is one glance at the downtown skyline.  It is virtually impossible to find an angle of downtown that doesn’t include a giant crane working on another high rise.  Given the rapidly changing landscape, it’s important as a photographer to capture the skyline regularly.


We began taking Austin Texas skylines in September of 2014, and have continued to shoot them on a monthly basis from a variety of locations.  From the East side to the West, the waterfront on Auditorium Shores to the Convention Center parking deck, and even from the top of Mount Bonnell, we go everywhere.  Taking these photos really gave me a chance to explore the city and find some of the most amazing vantage points.  My two personal favorites are Auditorium Shores and the West Side, mainly because they are unique.


On the shores of Lake Austin there is a statue of one of the most famous Texas musicians, Stevie Ray Vaughan.  From this vantage point it is possible to have the weathered bronze statue towering over the city just like he did during his playing days.  Given the popularity of live music in Austin (home to numerous festivals such as South by Southwest and Austin City Limits, among others) it’s wonderful to be able to have a local musical legend standing as tall as the skyscrapers.


In addition to being known for its music, Austin is also known for its weirdness.  The skyline view from the West Side bike path is a perfect illustration of this.  Painted on the side of the railroad bridge is “I’ve got Ninja Style Kung Fu Grip”, which the artist undoubtedly had given the position of the artwork.  When combined with the six cranes building new developments it’s a nice image of both the progress and artistic spirit of the city.

As the city continues to grow, Clear Sky Images will be there to grow with it.  Check back regularly for new Austin Texas Skylines.

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) austin photography texas Thu, 26 Feb 2015 22:58:18 GMT
Techniques: Photographing North Facing Buildings In Winter las-tiendas-plaza-5510

This South Texas property located in McAllen, Texas is a sprawling 287,000 square foot shopping center.  The major tenants include Target, Academy, Office Depot, and Marshalls, as well as a wide variety of smaller shops and restaurants.  The majority of major tenants face North, which can pose a problem with getting good photographs later in the year.


Before photographing your site we research it thoroughly to make sure we are there at the right time of day to capture it in full sunlight.  Due to the fact that the fronts of some North facing buildings may never see the sunlight, we have to get a little creative in order to make your property look its best.  The most effective way to accomplish this is to start taking photos right at sunrise.


In order to capture sunrise photos, our photographer arrives on site a good thirty minutes before sunrise to set up.  Just as the sun begins to rise it will cast a wonderful even light across everything, giving us a few brief moments to capture the site.  In the case of Las Tiendas Plaza, our photographer did wind up sprinting up and down this vast site to ensure that all of the major tenants were captured.  When we shoot photos like this, we take multiple exposure so that we can blend them together in post production.  This allows us to illuminate the building while keeping the nice blue sky.

While this isn’t a perfect substitute for shooting a building in sunlight, sometimes it’s the only option that is available due to time constraints.  We here at Clear Sky Images go the extra mile to make sure you get the absolute best looking images no matter how difficult the circumstances.  Have a shopping center in need of photography?  Contact us today for a quote

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) commercial photography south texas texas Fri, 13 Feb 2015 16:15:00 GMT
Location Photography South Congress St Austin South Congress 2636


The unofficial motto of the city is “Keep Austin Weird”, nowhere is this on display better than the South Congress district.  Located within walking distance of downtown, and within view of the state capitol, South Congress is home to a wide variety of restaurants, shopping, and live music.  Oh, and also home to a fair amount of weirdness as well.


If there is a food type, chances are you can find it within a few blocks on South Congress.  From Guero’s Taco Bar to Home Slice Pizza to a whole host of food trucks featuring everything from fried chicken to crepes.  And for dessert there is a Hey Cupcake truck hiding in a random parking lot.


Once you are through with lunch, it’s time to hit the shops.  As with any shopping district there are plenty of clothes and gift shops, but on South Congress it’s taken a step further.  Lucy in Disguise (with diamonds) has every type of costume in existence.  Uncommon Objects has an unbelievable variety of, well, uncommon objects ranging from 19th century text books to a 1960’s kitchen set to black velvet self portraits.  Even if you have no intention of buying it is an incredible shop to visit.  If Sci-Fi is more your thing, there is a wax museum opening up early in 2015.  On the landmark front, there is the iconic “I love you so much” graffiti on the side of Joe’s coffee shop.  Both the Austin Motel and the Hotel San Jose are among the oldest hotels in the city and have kept the same look and feel for decades.


The best part of South Congress however is the weirdness.  On any given day you can walk down the street and see a deer head mounted on the driver side seat of a convertible.  Or you can see a singing cowboy doing some light shopping while on horseback.  Or my personal favorite, seeing the three most common modes of transportation all in a single shot against the backdrop of the skyline and state capitol (the three transportation modes are of course car, bike, and horseback).


If you want to completely sum up Austin in six blocks, South Congress is without a doubt the way to go.

South Congress 2882b

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) austin commercial photography south congress texas Tue, 10 Feb 2015 16:09:58 GMT
Austin Hotspot: 360 Bridge The 360 Bridge (also known as the Pennybacker Bridge) was built in 1982 and connects the North and South portions of the Capital of Texas Highway over Lake Austin. Located in the heart of the Hill Country, the 360 Bridge is without a doubt the best place to experience a sunset within Austin.

There are multiple ways to get the full view of this impressive structure. On the South side there is a boat dock, granting you easy access to the Lake. If boating isn’t your thing, there is also a park that doubles as a popular fishing spot. However, if you want to get the best view possible of not only the bridge but of the surrounding area, you will need to venture over to the North Side.

On both the East and West side of the 360 Highway there are short hiking trails that will take you to landings that rise up higher than the bridge. The West side is the more popular of the two as it gives you not only a great view of the bridge, but on a clear day you can see all the way to downtown. There is also a fantastic old tree clinging on to the edge of the cliff to give you photographers out there a nice prop to use. This is also one of the most popular destinations in Austin for engagement and wedding photos.

The East Side is the more difficult of the two climbs, and puts you up higher than the West Side. For those willing to fight against some light brush, some amazing angles of the bridge can be found on this side. And if you aren’t afraid of climbing down the side of a mountain in low light, the sunset shots with the bridge can’t be beat.

While the 360 Bridge is a bit off the beaten path for those visiting downtown Austin, it is well worth the trip to get a firsthand look at the beauty of the city. 360 Bridge Day 4196360 Bridge Day 4196

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) austin photography texas Tue, 03 Feb 2015 23:29:27 GMT
Apartment Photography in Texas Apartment photography is where we shine! And where is a bigger place to shine than in the state of Texas! Texas has four of the largest eleven cities in the nation with Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio.  Those four cities also rank in the top ten of the fastest growing cities in the nation, which is all the more impressive when you factor in they are all within a few hours drive of each other.  This level of unprecedented growth means lots of new people looking for places to live.


Moving to a new city can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to finding a new apartment.  Most people have a limited amount of time to spend visiting complexes, which is why they conduct their initial search online.  This is why it is vital to have your apartment complex looking its absolute best on your website, which is where Clear Sky Images comes in.


After submitting your order, our photographers will research your property to figure out the exact right time to shoot the showpieces of your property (clubhouse, pool, etc) and schedule your shoot accordingly.  And while we shoot everything your complex has to offer, we do coordinate with you to make sure we highlight the things that are important to you.  Just renovated the kitchens and want lots of photos of the new countertops?  Done.  Have a spectacular waterfall in your pool and want to show it off?  Done.  New workout room?  Done.  Whatever your needs, we will deliver.


Once on site, we continue to go the extra mile as we stage every shot we take.  For the pool area we make sure all the chairs are uniform, umbrellas are open, and chairs are straight and underneath the table.  When it comes to shooting interiors we take our time and go through the entire apartment to make sure everything is perfect.  We make the blinds look uniform, bedspreads are straightened, and furniture is moved to create symmetry.  In short, we make sure every room looks its absolute best.


After the shoot we provide you with a proof gallery of every angle we shoot, giving you an overabundance of images to pick from.  Once you make your selections we put them through a rigorous post-production process to turn good images into great ones.  Ready to get started?  Go to and click “Get a Quotebalcones-woods-apts-9547balcones-woods-apts-9547

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) apartment photography Thu, 29 Jan 2015 16:15:10 GMT
You Tell Us to Shoot, We Ask How High? A lot of times, you may see an absolutely beautiful shot and never even realize some of the complexities behind its capture.  Today, let's discuss elevation.

This is a gorgeous view right?  Well, believe it or not it could be even better.


Brett used a 30 ft pole cam and shot from a elevated position in order to showcase the exquisite view of the lake hiding just behind the house.  Utilizing the exquisite sensor performance of the Nikon D800 coupled with a very fast Nikon lens and photographing this home at the exact right time of day under ideal conditions, Brett was able to create this stunning image:


Sometimes you have to elevate your photography!

Click here to see the full gallery for this home

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) 30 Clear Images charlotte dusk elevated foot high photographer photographs photography pole shoot shot shots up Fri, 31 May 2013 18:59:17 GMT
Ivy Burger Well I'll be!  It's kind of cool to walk uptown and get smacked in the face with the food shots we took for Ivy Burger!  Best way to bring in the business is to show off the goods, right?  They get it.  Do you?  Click the image to see the graphics they created with our photos.


[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) Burger Charlotte First First Ward Fries Ivy Uptown Ward breakfast city downtown food french good joint restaurant salad salads sandwiches sit-down Wed, 08 May 2013 17:38:00 GMT
E-Commerce Charlotte E-Commerce Charlotte
"Picture Perfect" E-Commerce Sites Drive More $ale$! 

Tuesday, March 12th 3:00 PM

The Garage @ Packard Place
222 Church Street
Charlotte, NC  28202

With some 900,000 e-commerce sites in the United States, "click" and "brick and click" sales are growing in double digits and becoming a significant selling channel in many firm's business models.  During the 2012 holiday season alone $ 33.8 billion was spent on-line, a 13.8% increase over last year.

Clear Sky Images Owner and Commercial Photographer Brett Osborne will share his experience and expertise in developing high impact images to increase a firm's internet presence AND sales.

Click Here to check out our last blog post on our product photography.  Here's some of our latest work:

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) architectural brett charlotte church clear commerce commercial e-commerce electronic event events garage images lesson nc osborne packard perfect photographer picture place seminar showcase showcases sky speaking speech street talk talks Mon, 25 Feb 2013 17:22:19 GMT
Burgers and Coffee and Flasks... Oh my! If you need something shot right, then we're the guys to call.  Lately, we've been doing a ton of food and product photography and have had a blast with it!  We appreciate that our clients are choosing us to shoot these forms of photography, because it's easy for anyone to think that we only do aerial photography or architectural photography.  So, don't forget that whether it's a building, a portrait, an event, a product, or anything else that you need, CONTACT US to get a customized quote today.

Click the images to see more examples of our food and product photography!

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) bag bags bottles catalog catalogue charlotte clear event events flasks food gift images items meny model models nc people photographer photography photos portraits portraiture produce product products restaurant restaurants salads sandwiches sky specialty stuff Wed, 20 Feb 2013 23:23:38 GMT
The Memphis Belle UPDATE: See the Memphis Belle Feature on page 1 of Flying Magazine!

Wememphis-belle-971 had the privilege of shooting photography and video for the replica of the first airplane of World War II to complete 25 bombing missions, The Memphis Belle.  This B-17 is the exact plane that was used in the 1990 Warner Brothers movie showcasing the history of this remarkable aircraft and its crew.

The Movie Memphis Belle, as it's lovingly called by the folks who are currently responsible for it, has just undergone extensive upfitting and renovations by The Liberty Foundation, the organization striving to keep this amazing airplane in the air.

Click here to see the images we shot of the plane, including before and after renovation by Warren Ludlam and his crew at Carolina Avionics & Aircraft Interiors with donated leather from Green Hides Leather with help from Southeast Aircraft Interiors.

Check out our video below, featuring the pilot of the Memphis Belle, Ray Fowler:


Memphis Belle Photos by Clear Sky Images

We'd love to hear your thoughts!  Leave a comment below.

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) 2 II aircraft interiors airplane airplanes b-17 carolina avionics flight flying green hides interior interiors leather machine plane planes renovated renovations seats war world world war 2 Wed, 23 Jan 2013 20:38:17 GMT
The Residences at Biltmore Most of our shoots go very well because the staff that we meet on site are usually extremely helpful and easy to work with.  One of our recent shoots at The Residences at Biltmore in Asheville, NC really hit the mark in this regard.  Shane Bounds with The Residences and Chris Laney of Serrus Capital Partners helped to stage and procure the models for this shoot; and due to their foresight and excellent eye, things came out spectacularly.

residences-at-biltmore-220 We rarely work with people or models on an architectural shoot, so for things to have turned out as well as they did, we were ecstatic.  After the session, we were surprised to learn that the models, Jordan and Cullen Harper, have not modeled professionally before.  Every single shot came out flawlessly and their postures and energy made the spaces even more inviting.  They are obviously a gorgeous couple, and Campbell had an added level of comfort in front of cameras because he was the star quarterback for Clemson!

residences-at-biltmore-817 The real winners of this shoot are the amazing twilight shots.  Did you know these might not have even been taken?  There was no plan to shoot in the morning, but as the sun began to rise around 7:30am Brett noticed a hint of pink in the sky.  He and Shelly got all of the equipment together in a hurry and got in several beauties in only about a 10 minute window!

Overall, we think these came our lovely and we were happy to receive this back as a response from Chris after sending the completed gallery:

"Simply - WOW"

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) Clear Images Sky apartment asheville blue charlotte condo condominium estate estates grandfather holiday home hotel house long mountains nc north carolina photographer photographs photography ridge short smokey term timeshare vacation Thu, 17 Jan 2013 20:29:58 GMT
When Photographers Vacation... You get AMAZING pictures, of course.  Brett and Shelly just got back from a phenomenal visit to the West Coast via the Carnival Inspiration Cruiseship.  Some of the places they visited included Los Angeles, Hollywood, Catalina Island, and Ensenada.  All of the gallery links to their photos are here:

carnival-cruise-2012-inspiration-cruiseship-359 Carnival Inspiration carnival-cruise-2012-catalina-island-764
Catalina Island
Ensenada, Mexico
Griffith Observatory
Huntington Beach
Long Beach Castoff
Queen Mary Long Beach Panorama
Long Beach, California
Los Angeles Beaches
Los Angeles Skylines
Hollywood Boulevard
Hollywood Scenes
Runyan Canyon

Have you been to any of these places?  Let us know below!

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) Angeles Beach Beaches Blvd Boulevard California Canyon Carnival Castoff Catalina Catlina Island Ensenada Ensenada Mexico Griffith Hollywood Hollywood Blvd Huntington Huntington Beach Inspiration Island Long Los Los Angeles Mexico Observatory Runyan Scenes Skylines Wed, 21 Nov 2012 16:47:26 GMT
Dry Bar Star As you know, we shoot a lot of work for commercial real estate professionals and the construction industry.  A lot of our work is used for marketing, sales, and websites but it's always a nice treat to see our photos in articles.  Recently, we did a shoot in Atlanta, GA for The Dry Bar and one of our images was used in an article about the salon and the owner, Alli Webb.  Click Here or on the image to check it out the article!

Here's a slideshow of all the shots we took of this fabulous facility!

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) 29 Clear Images alli alli webb article atlanta bar charlotte dc dry dry bar drybar ga georgia nc photographer photographs photography refinery refinery29 washington webb Wed, 19 Sep 2012 17:09:49 GMT
3 Photo Tips From the Pro Our lead photographer, Brett Osborne, takes a moment to share a few things that you MUST know to maximize the value of your photos.

#1 - Shoot with the sun to your back.

credit: exterior photographs, you must find the right time of day to shoot.  You want the sun to be your primary light source in order to virtually eliminate glare and underexposed images, giving you an overall image quality boost.  There are several apps that you can get to determine where the sun will be, such as LightTrac, but keeping in mind that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west will help you tremendously.  (If you always have trouble remembering that, it's ok.  Sophie does, too!)

Determine what direction your subject is facing and you can guesstimate fairly easily from there.  If it faces east, shoot in the early to mid-morning; if it faces south, shoot mid-morning to mid-afternoon; if it faces west, shoot in the early afternoon to sunset.  If your building faces north?, just call me at (704) 733-0189, LOL.  Generally this direction is best shot in the twilight hours, and that is another subject entirely!

#2 - For interiors, always, always, always use a tripod and never, ever, ever use on-camera flash.

Interior photos mean slower shutter speeds, therefore hand-holding these kinds of shots make for blurry images, which is why you use flash, right?  NO!!!  That's why you always use a tripod!!!  (You're paying attention, right?).  On-camera, pop-up, direct flash destroys a photo!  It makes them look amateur, washed out, and unevenly lit/exposed.  I am well aware that a bright window will make your photos look dark, and a dark room needs to look bright, but flash is NOT the answer, which leads us to Tip #3...

#3 - Shoot multiple exposures.

sun-city-gray-myst-6653 To get optimal photos you must know how to use your camera.  That's why manual mode is the best mode!  When you know how to shoot in manual mode you can change the settings on your camera to adjust for different conditions; such as interior spaces that are too dark or too bright, which will throw off ANY camera that is in automatic/program mode.  When you learn how to shoot multiple exposures you will be able to pick the best looking photograph from a broader selection of shots, thereby increasing your chances of taking the winning image.

BONUS TIP #4 - Hire Clear Sky Images to shoot all of your photography.

Why?  Because we will make you more money, guaranteed!  Your listings will get recognized faster; your portfolio will wow your potential clients, and you will be much more productive by not having to wear the hat of "photographer" among the many others I'm sure you're already wearing.

Thanks for stopping by.  If you found any of these tips helpful, take a moment and comment below, or preferably, write a review on our Google+ Page and Like us on Facebook to let us know what you thought.  We hope to hear from you soon and good luck out there!

Brett Osborne
Lead Photographer
Clear Sky Images
(704) 733-0189
[email protected]

Stay tuned for more tips from me, Brett Osborne, lead photographer at Clear Sky Images and be sure to write me if you have any questions or for more information on our services!

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) Brett Osborne Clear Images Photography Sky charlotte commercial lesson lessons nc photographer photographs photography professional suggestion suggestions tip tips tool tools Mon, 16 Jul 2012 21:12:52 GMT
What's That Smell? ad-1 I am so in love with the newest member of our crew.  Yes, everyone.  We've hired a male model.  He's funny, talented, and has a nose for success.

Meet Camden!

This captivating young man is the face of our latest ad campaign through the Carolina's Commercial Property E-Newsletter.  We know that a lot of companies out there do the best they can with cell phones and digital cameras, but are they really getting their vision across, or just making all of their hard work look funky?

We picked picture #1371 to truly convey Camden's disgust with the thought that some people just don't realize there's a better way.  BUT, which funny face is your favorite?  Let us know in the comments section below.

Click here to see all ten looks!


[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) Ad Advertisement Banner Boy Camden Carolina Carolinas Child Children Commercial Face Funny Kid Little Properties Property Stink Stinky Wed, 25 Apr 2012 20:43:50 GMT
Cheerio Gubnuh! This is your dear pal Sophie checking in.  I have returned from my 10 day trip across the pond.  This time I mainly visited Ipswich, but I also got to spend a little time in London again.  Overall, I had fun, but I am so glad to be back with my Clear Sky family.  We have a lot of work to do!  I have so many exciting projects in the works and a lot of catch up to play.

Coming soon on the blog:

  • Our experience at "Picture Perfect" at the Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens
  • An Introduction to some of our newest technology
  • Q&A with a professional architectural photographer
  • An exciting new quiz contest with a very valuable prize
  • And sooo much more

Thanks for staying tuned and as I'm back in the States, please feel free to call me if there's anything we can do for you.

Cheers, mate!

Sophia Matthews
(704) 951-7590

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) Ipswich Kingdom London Office Out Overseas Sophia Trip UK United Vacation of Thu, 05 Apr 2012 18:01:54 GMT
Pictures Sell Properties! If you're not convinced that stunning professional photography is worth the investment, you may want to talk to ARA.  Have a look at the recent Carolinas Commercial Properties Newsletter posting below.  Note that the buyers are in Alabama.  A lot of the decision makers there undoubtedly use site photos as a gauge when they are unable to visit prospective properties.

When your potential buyers and customers see your properties, are you happy with what they see?  We are pleased to have worked with ARA to showcase the best reflection of their listing.

Thank you!  Click the article to view the full image gallery.


[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) apartments commercial estate listed listing photographs photography professional real sales sold Thu, 22 Mar 2012 18:27:43 GMT
The Aftermath "Having lived in Charlotte, NC virtually my entire life, I have never seen this kind of devastation so close to home except for Hurricane Hugo but then I don't remember seeing flattened homes. I wanted a record of this for myself so I went and shot the aerial photos on March 6th 2012. It missed my house by less than a 1/2 mile. The tornado came through on Saturday March 3 around 2:30 am. We are told that winds reached to 130+ mph and destroyed close to 200 homes. No fatalities. Amazing. These photos will show just how close some came to losing so much and how others lost way too much..."

-Brett Osborne

Our hearts go out to everyone affected by the recent tornado!

Please comment here with your own stories and experiences.

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) Images charlotte damage nc tornado Wed, 07 Mar 2012 16:08:00 GMT
Dang it, Sophie! OK, so sometimes I need to reign it in.

The last e-mail that I sent out about the leaves being see through was intended to showcase that certain properties can gain visibility in the winter if they're normally canopied by the trees. I completely went overboard there stating that ALL visibility is better in the winter and that this is the best time to get aerials.

Brett was like... Um... nobody wants to get photos when the trees are bare and everything's dead. Plus visibility in winter aaain't that great, m'dear.


Surprisingly, given those facts, we've been extraordinarily busy! It appears that rain or shine, greenery or twigs, when properties are moving pictures just have to be shot. So hopefully, I made those poor souls that can't wait until spring feel a little better about their aerials!

But, yes... I'll take it down a notch.

[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) aerial clear e-mail images leaves photographs photos sky sophie winter Tue, 14 Feb 2012 10:57:00 GMT
Decisions, Decisions We got the nicest comment from Blair with JE Dunn today after sending her photos of the Henderson County Sheriff Department.

"These look great, hard to pick 5. Tell the team to quit doing such a good job, I’m going to be broke."

It's nice to know that we can work with someone for so long and still impress them!


[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) Clear County Department Henderson Images JE Dunn Sheriff Sky testimonial Thu, 02 Feb 2012 14:16:00 GMT
Lo and Behold We shoot so many pictures for marketing pieces, billboards, and the like; yet it's still always a pleasant surprise to run across our work in action!

Saw this in the Charlotte Business Journal a little while ago:

Click the image to see the original gallery
[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) Charlotte Business Journal Clear Images Live Oak Oakhill Office Park Parkway Photos Sky ad advertisement print Thu, 02 Feb 2012 09:16:00 GMT
FIRST! sophie Hiya.

This is Sophia with Clear Sky Images. This is our first post. I can't promise anything here other than a candid, inside look at the back end of our business. That means you may get a few laughs, a few light bulbs, and even a few tips on how to be a better photographer yourself.
***Because we're the best.***
[email protected] (Clear Sky Images) aerial aerials architectural blog buildings clear first high images office photographer photography post rises sky skylines Wed, 28 Dec 2011 13:06:00 GMT